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Wild Parsnip

Invades prairies, fields, and roadsides. Causes rashes and blisters when sap contacts skin and is exposed to sunlight. Find more information about wild parsnip here.

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Spreads along roadsides in drainage ditches. Forms dense thickets which prevent native plant growth. Find more information about phragmites here.

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Spotted Knapweed

Colonizes areas around prairies and fields and destroys native insect and wildlife habitat. Find more information about spotted knapweed here.

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Garlic Mustard

Invades forest understories, shades out wildflowers and native plants, and leads to habitat loss. Find more information about garlic mustard here.



Invades wetlands, prairies, and woodlands and impacts tree growth, especially after timber harvest. Find more information about common buckthorn here and glossy buckthorn here




This page does not include every invasives species that CWIP targets.


All photos by Paul Skawinski


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